Northern Ambitions Blog


An Empowering Thought - a simple way to maintain your confidence confidence empowerting thought

The idea of an empowering thought may seem to you, an adult person, as silly or pointless. I still recommend you to read this post, even though it is quite long.

The empowering thought is an emotionally safe place that helps you maintain your confidence even in the most challenging situations. 


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Shut up, you little saboteur! career trap confidence

You’ve worked hard, gone the extra mile, and even taken on tasks outside your role. But when it comes to speaking up for a promotion, that little Ms. Saboteur inside you whispers: “What if they think I’m too demanding?”

Meanwhile, men with half your tact are celebrated for their 'leadership skills....

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Promotions from Heaven? Unlock Your Career Success with the Right Tools confidence promotions tools for pmotions

Did You Think Promotions Drop from Heaven? 

When it comes to advancing in your career, many of us wish it were as simple as the old adage “pennies from heaven”—but when it comes to promotions, it’s often more like climbing a mountain than catching falling stars. Promotions don’t just appear by luck...

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