Northern Ambitions Blog


My Blog Has Moved to a New Address!

I’ve moved my blog to a new home, Promotion Paradox, where I’ll be sharing even more inspiration, tips, and practical advice to support your career growth.

The weekly Promotion Paradox blog is part of my newsletter combo, and by subscribing, you’ll get all the latest posts delivered straight to you...

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New Year’s Greetings identity

I’ve spent the Christmas season simply recharging my batteries. It’s been a peaceful yet lively time with the children and grandchildren, but fortunately, without any forced hustle and bustle.

As part of our traditions, we visited the cemetery to light a candle for departed loved ones. This particu...

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On Personality Assessments: A Philosopher’s Perspective expectation effect personality assessment

I recently read in a professional journal that employers are increasingly using personality assessments to support recruitment, even when hiring interns.

This surprised me, as I’ve been sceptical about the usefulness of such assessments for years. The human mind remains largely unexplored, and perh...

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Case Laura: The 29-Year-Old Lawyer with Stardust in Her Hair client case

The idea of career coaching came to my mind some 15 years ago when I was still highly motivated in working as an Executive Search Consultant. Today, I'm all in for Career Coaching helping women reach a real career transformation. As I'm a person always willing to volunteer, helping Laura in her care...

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Why you should consider a career coach career coach benefits

Seeking a promotion can feel like preparing for a high-stakes game where the rules aren’t always clear. On the other side of the table are professional recruiters and hiring managers — experts trained to evaluate candidates and identify potential risks. Their mission is to find the best fit for thei...

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An Empowering Thought - a simple way to maintain your confidence confidence empowerting thought

The idea of an empowering thought may seem to you, an adult person, as silly or pointless. I still recommend you to read this post, even though it is quite long.

The empowering thought is an emotionally safe place that helps you maintain your confidence even in the most challenging situations. 


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Not advancing your career fast enough and frustrated? Here’s the Fix! getting promoted in 90 days

Stop the job-hunting exhaustion and frustration for not advancing your career fast enough! 

There’s a better way to get ahead.

Let’s be honest — feeling stuck in your career is incredibly frustrating. Not being seen, heard, or valued, and maybe even being underpaid, can really take a toll. Not to ...

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Simple ways to ground your emotions in dire situations emotions

Sometimes life is just too much for all of us no matter how cool and controlled you usually are. The problem is you can not let your negative emotions show at work, or you will risk paying the price and being labelled as a panicking or hysterical woman. No one wants that.

However, if you want to ma...

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Shut up, you little saboteur! career trap confidence

You’ve worked hard, gone the extra mile, and even taken on tasks outside your role. But when it comes to speaking up for a promotion, that little Ms. Saboteur inside you whispers: “What if they think I’m too demanding?”

Meanwhile, men with half your tact are celebrated for their 'leadership skills....

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Getting Promoted or Landing Your Next Job: It's Not Just About Your CV cover letter cv

When it comes to getting promoted or securing a new job, it’s easy to obsess over your CV. Should it be traditional or something eye-catching from Canva?

In my experience, as long as your CV accurately reflects your skills and competencies and aligns with the role you're applying for, the format is...

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Why hunting for a promotion feels exhausting - and how to fix it promotion

So, you’re aiming for a promotion? But you feel the opportunities slip away to someone else. 

Why does getting a promotion feel so soul-crushing? And more importantly, what can you do about it? Let’s dig in. 

The frustration is real

Here’s the thing: hunting for a promotion isn’t just time-consum...

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Why Your Job Applications Keep Failing job application job criteria

Interpreting job criteria

Have you ever applied for a job and thought, “I’d be perfect for this,” only to get rejected without even making it to the interview? You’re not alone.

Many job applicants jump to conclusions about the role, assuming they know exactly what’s required—often interpreting th...

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5 reasons why new hires quit and what can you do about it 100 first days handling disappointments

Congratulations! You’ve made it and you’ve got a new job. The recruitment process may have taken weeks, sometimes even months, to lure, interview, and assess candidates with the skills and experience that meet the company’s needs. And you - yes you! - were chosen, and you accepted the job offer.


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How to navigate talent droughts: A guide for non-professional recruiters diversity hiring talent droughts

In competitive job market, recruiting can be a challenging task, especially when faced with a shortage of professionals in your industry or your professional field.

We are currently facing both an oversupply of workforce and a shortage of skilled professionals simultaneously. Additionally, in econo...

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Promotions from Heaven? Unlock Your Career Success with the Right Tools confidence promotions tools for pmotions

Did You Think Promotions Drop from Heaven? 

When it comes to advancing in your career, many of us wish it were as simple as the old adage “pennies from heaven”—but when it comes to promotions, it’s often more like climbing a mountain than catching falling stars. Promotions don’t just appear by luck...

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Too Young, Free, and Single to be Promoted? ageism getting promoted in 90 days

The phrase "young, free, and single" might sound like a catchphrase from a dating show, but it’s not too far off from what companies are often seeking in potential hires. Employers are on the lookout for individuals who are agile, flexible, and devoid of personal responsibilities that might ‘distrac...

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